Follow up emails are necessary!

Lots of successful sales or engagements require more than a dozen “touches” before a response is received to close the transaction.

What is the issue? Nobody seemed to be following up with follow up emails. They send a single email to a potential customer and then stop communicating with them.

Indeed, 70% of sales emails never make it through the first try.

Most of us cold email senders may believe that all it takes to perfect outbound email marketing is a strong beginning message. True, it is – but it is also insufficient. 

Follow up emails to individuals who do not react to our original message are critical if we are to carry out an effective cold email marketing campaign

Don’t be scared to send follow up emails.
follow up emails

Occasionally, we may believe that follow-ups will cause our prospective clients to feel offended and outraged. That is how we also felt when we initially started to send follow up emails.

This is an uncommon occurrence in practice though. Generally, they are appreciative, recognizing your attention in them, and applaud your perseverance.

However, also keep in mind that excessive follow up emails are really simple to disregard. Certain words are frequently overdone, and the automated subject lines and phrasing are instantly recognizable.

You do not want to appear to prospects as though you are reading from a script. You just will not generate revenue in this manner.

You must stand out from other follow up emails. 

How to Write Follow up Emails

There are several methods for following up with your clients.

You can follow up through phone, mail, or even face to face, but the most efficient method is through email.

As a basic guideline, waiting 2 to 3 days before mailing your first follow up email is a smart idea. You should then add a few days to the wait time for each successive email following your initial message, particularly if you want to send many follow up email.

Not only is it easy to send, but it also allows for easy tracking of feedback and comments, and it’s also expandable. Whether you’re following up with a small number of clients or thousands, you can accomplish it all using a typical email

However, how can you send an effective follow up email?

Keep in mind that while following up, it’s critical to test for the ideal subject line. Those minuscule small phrases have the power to make or break your business.  47% of people read an email and 69% flag it as spam based only on the subject line.

Make sure to spend the time and effort necessary to write compelling email subject lines.
follow up emails

By beginning your email with a connection to a previous message or contact, you might spark your recipient’s memory. Even if your receiver forget, they are more likely to respond to your follow up email if they are reminded that they have already heard from you.

Continue by explaining the reasons for your follow up email in a straightforward and succinct manner. Simply communicate your desires to the receiver. Remind them if this has not changed since your last email.

Concentrate on them here. Substitute ‘I’ statements for ‘you’ statements in your content. 

Wrap in a manner that seems comfortable to you and is consistent with your previous interactions with the receiver.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Sending Follow up Emails

1 Mention “follow up” in the subject line

Most individuals who create a follow-up email would think that the subject line should be “follow-up”. While it is self-evident to include follow-up as a subject line, it is frequently insufficient.

The reader derives no benefit from the topic line. They will be perplexed by the email. Additionally, it appears as though you’re blaming the individual for failing to respond.  That is never effective.

Create a subject line that is pertinent to the email’s content or goal. Consider the purpose of the email.

People are busy and may lack the time necessary to comprehend the subject line if you do not make it simple for them.

Utilize the subject line of the follow up email to add value. Give them alternatives; explain how you intend to resolve the issue. What you can do and how to add additional details.

2 Not following up quickly

Strangely, one of the most common follow-up errors is failing to follow up in the early stages. According to TOPO, just 23.91 percent of sales emails are ever opened, and the majority of those just forget to address and reply. Prospects, like you and me, lead hectic lifestyles after all. 

It is critical to work on your prospective clients when the opportunity presents itself in order to cut through the noise. Consider checking up with your prospect in the days after the initial email.  Additionally, you may create reminders and schedule events with your prospective customer.

3 Sending only one follow up email

Writing a single follow-up email is rarely sufficient in sales. To succeed, you must develop trust with your prospect, which takes time and many contact points. Indeed, 80 percent of non-routine purchases, according to Marketing Donut, come after at least five follow-ups following the first email.

Follow-up emails generally result in a greater response rate.  According to Yesware’s research, if you do not receive a response to your first email, you have a 21% likelihood of obtaining one on your second follow up. Perseverance is critical when it comes to email marketing. According to a study conducted by Iko System, the s6th email in a campaign sequence may significantly improve response rates.

You should build your email in accordance with your sales funnel. What will your next step be if your receiver does not respond to this email, and how would you spontaneously line it up?

4 Not including a CTA

Always have your end objective in mind first. What info do you need? What action do you like the receiver to take?

This will decide your call to action – and the remainder of the material that precedes it.
follow up emails

Are you unsure of your objective? Perhaps sending the email was not such a good idea.

If you make a particular offer, the client is more likely to respond. You may suggest a time and day for a meet or a call, or you can choose a new individual to contact if your lead is not a good fit for your offer.

If you continue to send follow-up emails without receiving a response, ensure that your calls to action are consistent with each email you send.

5 Not asking a question

Remember to include a query in your follow-up interview email to help make it stand out.

Never be hesitant to seek direction from your prospects regarding the appropriate next move. You may also inquire about their preferred method of follow-up.

While these might be challenging to get at times, you should always strive to conclude the conversation with a clearly defined next action. 

It is usually a good idea to recap your initial encounter. This is an excellent reason to quickly write a follow-up email following the conversation. What is the benefit of this? It keeps you top of mind (and inbox) with prospects until your next call.

9 Polite Follow up Email Templates to Copy

1 Follow Up Email After a Trigger Event

A situation that calls for a follow up email is after a trigger event occurs. For example, if you notice a prospect is re-opening an email or proposal you sent, you can try to follow up with them. Here’s a template you can use: 


Hi [NAME],

I’m hoping you’ve read my last letter and looked at our items online, so I thought now would be the perfect time to check in with you again.

Have you had an opportunity to consider my proposal? I’m delighted to speak with you on the phone and address any concerns you may have.

Are you free [Time] or [Time] for a quick conversation?



2 Follow-Up Email For Inbound Lead

Are you responsible for contacting those who download your company’s promotional materials? Simply because someone has read something does not indicate they wish to speak with a sales representative just yet.

That is why it is necessary to nurture them. How? Create fresh value for them that demonstrates why you’re worth their attention. Here’s a template of how you can do it: 


Hi [Name of Prospect],


I saw you had the opportunity to read some of our material, particularly [Title of content]. I hope you discovered something of value!

[Question that may trigger a pain point]

It’s a fact of life in the [field of business they are in]. It’s the reason why [explain how your company aligns]. I’d love to [action you’re aiming for] [what it can do for them]. [Statement that shows your differentiation]

[Name of prospect], do you have some free time on [Date]?




3 Follow up Template After Tweaking an Email

Sometimes, when determining the type of follow up sales email you need to send, you realize you may need to make a few small tweaks to your message. Whether this is a simple change in wording, or sending the email to a different person at the company you’re trying to do business with, small adjustments to your message might just get you that response you’re looking for.

Rather than bombarding companies with the same unsuccessful email template, make a few little adjustments to their sales process, as seen in this template:

Re: Appropriate Person?


I’m writing to confirm the delivery of my email. I received no response from anyone on the team. If it makes sense to speak, please provide me with an overview of your schedule.

If not, to whom should I speak?

We appreciate your help.


4 Follow Up Email for No Response

Are you awaiting a response from a colleague, coworker, or merchant?

Consider the following in your follow-up:

  • Restate the initial email’s context and its significance to them.
  • Include your direct request.
  • Other resources: Any additional materials for them to review.

Here’s a template you can follow:

Hi [First Name],

In case you missed my email, [restate why you’re reaching out]. [Put alue statement specific to recipient].

My questions for you:

[First part of question]

[Second part of question]

[Any additional information];

Looking forward to your reply,




5 Follow Up Email After You Leave A Voicemail

There are several circumstances in which you’re likely to leave a voice message or two for a prospective customer. However, similar to email, simply leaving a voicemail does not guarantee a response from your target.

To maximize your chances of obtaining a response, write a sales follow up email after leaving a voicemail.


Hi [Name],

I just called to [place your purpose].

In my voicemail, I mentioned that I’ll try to meet you again on [date and time], but feel free to email or call me whenever works best for you at [phone number] [email address].



6 Follow Up Email After a Networking Event

Utilize this template to contact prospects following a meeting at an industry event. It serves two purposes: it reminds the receiver of who you are and what your firm provides, while also determining their level of commitment to placing an order in the near future.


Hi [NAME],


It was great connecting with you at [name of event] [date of event].

I was thinking about what you said about [what the prospect needs/ pain point] and thought you might want to see this case study on how we helped a company like yours achieve [company goals] in [timeframe]: [insert case study link].

I would love to discuss how we can make this solution work for you. Are you free for a phone call on [DATE] at [TIME A], [TIME B], or [TIME C]?




7 Follow Up email After First Discussion

It is critical to send a good initial follow-up email. Your message should demonstrate to your prospective consumer how much you respect their time and how you can continue to serve them.

Subject Line: Pleasure talking earlier, [Name] 


Hi [Name],

I had a great time earlier today conversing with you and learning more about your [job] at [business]. I understand the difficulties you’re having with [mentioned obstacles] and how they make it more difficult to [have an effect on the team or organization].

As previously said, I’ve included more information on our resources and how we may assist you in achieving [business target] and resolving [business problem].

Kindly notify me if you have any other queries, and I’d be delighted to speak with you again. Otherwise, I look forward to speaking with you again on [day and time].



8 Following Up Email after Multiple Follow Ups

If you’ve previously sent an email or two and have not received a response. Curate intriguing bits of information that you may send to prospective clients to re-engage their interest.


Hello [name],

I’m sorry that we were not able to talk recently. You appeared extremely interested in [company’s product] the last time we spoke.

I understand that you’re extremely busy, and I’d be delighted to organize a conversation with you at any time that’s convenient for you – even if it’s outside of normal business hours.

I apologize for bothering you, but I would appreciate any indication of your decision in either direction.

Thank you.



9 Break Up Follow Up Email

When you’ve sent several follow-ups and haven’t received a response from the prospect. If you do not receive a response to your initial follow-ups, it may be time to write a breakup email.


Subject line: Is this the end?

Hello [NAME],

I’m now cleaning my sales funnel and thought I’d let you know that you’ve been added to my delete list.

If you have lost interest, may I permanently close your file?

If you remain interested, what is the next action you would want to take?

We appreciate your assistance.





The follow up emails you send are a crucial part of your sales process. But if you’re not doing it right, then they could be holding back the growth of your business. Avoid these 5 common mistakes that people make with their follow up emails and see how much more effective this tool becomes for driving conversions into revenue for your company.

Editors Note:

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Febrina Tanghal
About Author: Febrina Tanghal
This post was written by Content at Scale, a solution that uses AI + a team of optimization specialists to publish hundreds of high quality, SEO optimized content straight to your blog. It’s the first and only solution that allows you to truly scale content marketing.