How to Find Someone’s Email Address: 11 Ways That Work

Let’s say you’ve already created a personalized marketing email for your prospects. Now, your problem is to get it in front of the right person.

Only 8.5% of outreach emails get a response. This means it’s really hard to get people’s attention — especially if you’re sending your outreach efforts to the wrong people or the wrong email address.

Therefore, sending your email to the right person can increase your chances of getting a response. So, you must know how to find email address.

The strategies we will discuss below can help you find anyone’s email with little effort:

1 Use email finder tools

One of the easiest ways to find someone’s email address is to use an email address lookup tool.

If you’re wondering how to find someone’s email address by their name, this is the perfect strategy for you.

An email finder tool can make things pretty easy for you. All you need to do is enter the prospect’s website or name and click search. The tool will then look up email addresses relevant to your search.

Fortunately, there are many email lookup tools on the internet you can choose from.

One of the great options out there is LeadFuze. It can help you find email addresses of people within your target market and automatically send the data collected to your outreach tools.

That means you don’t have to manually enter email addresses for your email marketing efforts.

To search email addresses, you can enter any of the information below:

  • Industry
  • Company size
  • Prospect’s role or position

You can even key in other details like geographic data and software used.

how to find someone's email address with LeadFuze

2 Visit the company website

This is one of the best places to begin your search for email addresses. Many brands provide their staff members’ contact information on their websites.

So, if you’re thinking of neglecting this resource, think again.

Once you’re on the site’s homepage, go to the About Us section to see if they have contact details of their employees or better yet, their executives.

You can also check out the News section as the articles may include the PR contact email addresses.

And of course, the Contact Us section may also have the email addresses you’re looking for. But typically clicking on this page would only direct you to a form where you can enter your message.

So even though it may always work, searching company websites is on of the best ways to find ways to find someone’s email address for free. Another one is this:

3 Guess based on known email addresses

Most companies use a uniform format for their employees’ emails. For instance, their format can be: [first name].[last name]@[company name].com.

Once you find even one email address from the company you’re targeting, it wouldn’t be that hard to crack the code.

But of course, this would only work if you know the person’s full name. And it can be trickier if your prospect has a common name [e.g. John Smith]. Chances are, there might be several John Smith’s in that company or in that particular industry.

Also, some names can have variations such as Robert can use the name, Bob or Rob.

The good thing here is, if you reach out to the wrong person, the recipient may tell you that you got the wrong email address and forward your message to the right person.

Just make sure you’re not sending a confidential email that shouldn’t be seen by anyone else other than your target recipient.

Later we will share a method for checking whether the email address you have guessed is correct.

4 Join ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo is a plugin you can add to Outlook. It can provide you 10 free contacts every month if you permit it to access your contacts.

Millions of people and over 6 million company profiles are listed on ZoomInfo. So yeah, their database is pretty extensive.

5 Check their social media page

Yes, I know social media isn’t a common place for people to list their email addresses — but hey, it’s worth the try.

Some people may post their email addresses on their social media accounts, so make sure to check it out. After all, it’d only take you a few seconds to do so.

If you want to find someone’s email address on Facebook, for example, the first place to check is their profile. Simply scroll down to the ‘contact and basic information’ section. 

Since people don’t always display their emails on the profiles, you may not find it there, in which case you should try this other option:

Copy their username and paste it into the dialog box that comes up when your hit the login button on that page. Hit enter and Facebook may return the person’s email address. Note, though, this method does not always work.

6 Find it on Google

Google’s literally your virtual best friend and an obvious place to look up a person’s email. There are tons of information floating online, and it only takes Google’s search feature to find what you’re looking for.

You can find an email address by simply entering your prospect’s name followed by the words “contact” or “email.”

Try to include other details like company name and position, or do alternate combinations. This improves your chances of finding the person’s professional email contact, remembering that many people have personal and professional email addresses.

What’s awesome about this email lookup method is it only takes a few minutes of your time, and it is free.

7 Take advantage of the Advanced Google Search

I’ve told you earlier about guessing email addresses, now let’s see if your guesses are correct by using the Advanced Google Search.

Enter the email address on the search bar, add quotes on both sides, and hit search.

The email address would look like this: “”

If it’s the correct email, you’ll see it in the search results. If you didn’t get any matches, you can try other variations until you find the right one.

8 Connect with an admin

Here’s yet another way to find a person’s email for free:

Try to find the phone number of your prospect’s department and see if you can talk to an admin.

But don’t just directly tell them you want that particular person’s email address. You have to be extra creative to pull this off.

Start with a warm greeting then ask the admin if they can help you with something. Typically, people like to be helpful, so asking for help can set the stage.

Give your best guess of what you think the email address of your prospect is and ask the admin to confirm it for you.

Typically, they’ll let you know you got it wrong and will give you the correct email address. 

9 Check personal websites and blogs

If you’re not getting any luck with company websites, you can start looking into personal ones. Many professionals have personal websites these days.

To find a link to their personal websites, you can visit their Twitter or LinkedIn accounts. Once you find their website, you can try browsing it to look for their email address.

Start with their ‘contact me’ page. If you don’t get it there, check their ‘about me’ page. 

Still couldn’t find it there? Stay on that website and try the next method:

10 Sign up for your prospect’s newsletter

If your prospect has a personal website, chances are they will have an email newsletter as well. Those are typically used for lead nurturing and content distribution.

Subscribe to their email list as most newsletters are sent from personal email addresses. This can be a relatively easy way to find an email address for free.

Even if they sent it using a genericinfo@address, you can try replying to the newsletter to ask an insightful question or simply give your opinion about the content they sent. By doing this, you might get a response.

Many people who publish newsletters actually encourage that you reply to their emails. So you can be almost certain they will see your email.

And of course, it can be very helpful in building relationships with the prospect’s company and increase your chances of getting hold of their personal contact details in the future.

We have talked about using Facebook as an email finder tool, here’s how you can find someone’s email on Twitter: 

11 Use Twitter Advanced Search

Some people include their email addresses on their Twitter bio section, but they usually try to hide it from bots by using “at” and “dot” instead of “@” and “.”

So, what you’re going to do is use Twitter’s Advanced Search feature to search your prospect’s tweets that mentioned the words “at” or “dot”.

What’s nice about this Twitter feature is it also allows you to enter time frames, specific accounts, hashtags, words to ignore, and the exact phrases to search. Feel free to play with the keywords you enter.

It’s best if you use the terms “contact,” “reach,” or “email.”

Or if you feel extra bold, you can try asking for their email address via replying to one of their tweets.

If they posted an update about their services, you can give some insightful comments and politely ask them if they can give you more information via email — and keep your fingers crossed that they’ll respond with an affirmation.

You can also send them a DM (Direct Message) on Twitter. This way, your prospects will more likely notice your message. It’s also a more private way to share their email address than on their actual timeline where anyone can see it.

But Twitter profiles can have varying privacy settings. You may need to follow each other first before you can shoot them a message.

Manual and free email address finders can be terribly inadequate if you have a long list of prospects you want to reach. The paid route is faster and more efficient. 

This premium Twitter email finder extension pulls verified and professional email addresses direct from your prospects’ Twitter accounts. To get a person’s email address, simply go to their Twitter account and run the extension from there. Entering their company name pulls their professional addresses.

15 Email Lookup Tools to Find Anyone’s Email Address

There are many effective ways to find someone’s email address on the internet. To make your search fast and efficient, you can use paid and free email addresses search tools.

The following are some of the best email lookup tools that can help you if you are struggling to find the email addresses of your prospects.

1 LeadFuze

LeadFuze or formerly known as HeadReach is a sales prospecting tool that can help you find your prospect’s email address. All you have to do is provide information currently available to you such as name, website domain, company, or position.

Aside from providing contact details, it can also give you a link to your prospect’s social media accounts.

It can aid your sales outreach campaign by helping you build a list of accurate and verified leads to boost your conversions.

Integrate it with email outreach tools, so you can easily track your sales email activities.

how to find someone's email address with LeadFuze

2 Rocketreach Chrome extension

This email lookup tool has a database of over 250 million individuals from more than 6 million brands. And the database is increasing daily.

After signing up for this email finder, you can start browsing its database to find or verify details of your prospects such as profile data, phone numbers, and email addresses.

3 FindThatLead

You might confuse this one with another website called FindThat. This tool helps you find possible clients with just a few clicks of a button.

It allows you to perform a domain search by providing your prospect’s company name. It will then search through its database and give you a list of everyone working in that particular company.

FindThatLead has a built-in email verification tool you can use to ensure the people you’re sending an email to are real individuals.

When you use the free version, you’ll be given 10 credits daily — not bad, huh? Some people may never need to upgrade to the premium plan.

4 Prophet

This one is a Chrome extension that helps marketers find significant information about their prospects like phone numbers, email addresses, and social media profile links.

Prophet can give you access to over 600 profiles per month.

5Anymail Finder

Like many of the tools on this list, Anymail Finder will ask you to enter domain information and the name of your prospect to find a verified email address.

It offers direct server validation to ensure the email belongs to a real person.

And if AnyMail Finder isn’t 100% sure that the email is accurate, you’ll get every single piece of information about that lead for free.

Bulk-verifying email addresses is also possible with this tool.

6 Datanyze Insider

Here’s another Chrome extension specifically made to help you research, qualify, and verify various email addresses. It can be used to build your prospects list and allows you to incorporate data from the CRM tool you’re using.

Datanyze Insider gets its information from social media platforms and other resources on the Web.

Once you’ve got hold of their email addresses, you can export the list of leads, so you can use it for your sales marketing efforts.

A free plan will provide you with 10 credits.

7 Lusha email finder

Perhaps what you want to know is how to find personal email addresses?

Well, in that case, Lusha got you covered. Aside from providing your prospect’s business email address, it can also help you find their personal emails along with phone numbers and other contact details.

Upon signing up, you’ll receive 5 free credits per month.

So pretty much everyone with a smartphone is on Facebook, right? What if your prospects are all professionals? 

Here’s how to get someone’s email from LinkedIn:

8 Connectifier

LinkedIn is the professionals’ social network, so if they are going to share their emails on public platforms, it will likely be there. Connectifier is how you get their email addresses.

Connectifier can be displayed on your browser’s sidebar when you’re using LinkedIn Recruiter and other qualified sites. It will show you the prospects’ detailed information like full name, job position, location, and of course, email addresses.

Currently, Connectifier has over 450 million profiles on its database.

If you would rather not pay for an email finder tool, here’s a great tool you can use to find someone’s email for free.

9 Hunter

If you prefer a built-in free email address finder with email verification and domain search features, then Hunter can be your go-to place on the internet.

It allows you to focus your search on a certain individual or a particular domain.

For the domain, you can enter the prospect’s company name and Hunter will generate a list of every email address connected to that company.

For individual searches, you can simply enter their name to track them down.

It ensures 95% deliverability on its verified email addresses and even gives you 150 credits every month on a free plan.

10 Hiretual

This is another Chrome extension on our list that helps you find people’s email addresses online for free.

However, it’s designed for hiring and sourcing. This means you may see other information like level of seniority, compensation range, and experience.

Hiretual’s main sources are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. It even provides you with a built-in AI assistant that can help you automate some simpler tasks of your job.

Hiretual’s free trial can give you access to 15 searching credits every month.

11 Twitter

Earlier, I mentioned Twitter’s Advanced Search feature — and basically, that’s considered an email finder tool in its own right. Though it takes a bit of effort, it’s another way to search for someone’s email address for free.

People usually post their email addresses online, and it only takes a detailed search to get the results you need.

Make sure you use the right keywords to pull up your desired results. Or you can simply follow the tips I mentioned in the previous section of this article.

12 LeadGibbon

Do you need to find the email addresses of people in a particular company? LeadGibbon can help you with that.

All you need to do is provide the company’s name and this tool will give you a list of email addresses.

Some information on the list will be automatically verified, but you can always verify them again before hitting the send button.

It also provides a list of sources where the emails were pulled up to increase your confidence that everything on the list is accurate.

If you want, you can export data as a .csv file for easy tracking.

13 SellHack

This one is a lead generation tool that can help you build lists, find email addresses, and close more deals.

If you already have a list of email addresses, you can upload it on SellHack to verify them in bulk.

It also allows you to hunt for individual emails and run the email address through a 12-step verification process. This way, you can make sure everything is accurate and deliverable.

With a free plan, you’ll get 10 credits per month.

14 Clearbit Connect

Clearbit Connect is a Gmail extension and email lookup tool that can help you find your prospect’s email address.

If you’re not using Gmail, you can make use of the browser tool.

Just specify the information you want to collect like names, job titles, company names, and more. This tool will then give you all the necessary data gleaned from all over the internet.

15 Voila Norbert

This one is a virtual assistant that aims to help marketers and other professionals get access to verified email addresses.

Instead of using a separate app or a plugin, you’ll be using your browser. Provide the information you have and Voila Robert will fill in the rest.

It even verifies email addresses in real-time to decrease email bounce rates.

How to Find Someone’s Email Address With The LeadFuze Email Finder

LeadFuze is one of the market-leading tools for finding email addresses for sales. The tool provides hyper-targeted lead searches and provides accurate contact data you can use for sales.

Most importantly, it allows you to have an automated list building, so you can spend more time on other important tasks. So, instead of wasting your time on research, you’ll have more time talking to your prospects to close the deal.

You can integrate this tool with the current CRM and workflow tools your sales team is using for a seamless experience.

To increase your sales, you’ll need a list of verified leads — and that’s when LeadFuze comes into view. It has over 300 million people on its database with accurate contact information.

It’s like LinkedIn, but this one can give you complete contact details, allows you to add tons of leads all at once, and filters your search.

How to Find Email Addresses for Marketing 

Facebook ads are great, but you need to have a solid email list and database to make them work for your business.

The problem is that most of the time marketers don’t get enough personal emails because they’re not building their lists correctly. That means they end up wasting money on non-personalized ad campaigns and missing out on sales opportunities.

LeadFuze offers a solution to build email lists for Facebook custom audiences so you can personalize your ads and provide an outreach list for your sales team in minutes!

No more guessing if people will click based on interest, location, etc., now you know exactly who’s going to convert into customers when you send launch your ad campaigns or sales outreach.

how to find someone's email address for marketing

How to Find Email Addresses for Recruiting

Recruiters can take advantage of LeadFuze if their goal is to find both personal and company emails. It can even help you filter people who don’t have an active job.

The information provided can be used as a passive sourcing tool to find people who aren’t actively looking for job opportunities.

If you’re working for a staffing agency, you can use LeadFuze’s hiring filter to get contact information. It will even inform you if new leads matching that criteria are added to the database.

Pro Tip: The best candidates aren’t always looking, so it’d be best if you get to them first with the help of LeadFuze.

For instance, if you’re looking for an engineer who previously worked at Google or a former VP for Sales at Amazon, then this email finder tool got your back.

How to Automate Email Finding With Outreach Tools

The best thing about automation is it saves you from a lot of work — and gives you more time for other important things.

LeadFuze can help you do all the dirty work while you sit back and talk to your prospects to close more sales. You don’t even need a third-party validation service because this prospecting tool can provide it for you.

You can set it on autopilot and watch Fuzebot (LeadFuze’s AI assistant) update your list with new leads that match your criteria.

It can also be integrated with your CRM tools to aid your outreach campaigns.

Here are the benefits of LeadFuze automation:

  • Sets up an ignore list

With the ignore list feature, you can avoid adding existing contacts, competitors, or customers to your list.

  • Avoids duplication

You and your team members may inevitably add similar leads. With automation, you can avoid having duplicate leads on your list.

  • Offers verification

Every marketer wants zero bounce rates and that’s only possible if you can double-verify your emails in real time with the help of LeadFuze. You don’t need a list cleaner anymore!

  • Helps build list

With LeadFuze automation, you can automatically build a list and add new leads according to the criteria you set.

Since you can integrate LeadFuze with popular CRM and ATS’s, you don’t have to manually enter the information yourself. Everything will be completely hands-free.

You can integrate it with the following tools:

  • HubSpot
  • SalesForce
  • SalesFlare
  • PipeDrive
  • MailShake
  • G-Suite
  • Zapier
  • JazzHR

How To Find Someone’s Email Address – FAQs

How do I find hidden email addresses?

You can obtain someone’s hidden email address by searching Google for their name + email. You can also perform similar searches on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter or use email lookup tools.
Hidden email addresses are those people typically use for personal use. They are commonly used for opening social media and online forum accounts and for communication with non-professional contacts.

Is there a free way to look up an email address?

You can search for people’s email addresses for free on Google, social media sites, and company websites. On Google and on social media, simply search their name + email. On company and personal websites, check About and Contact Us pages.
Many people display their emails and other contact information on their social media profiles. There are also email lookup tools that have free plans that give you a certain number of free searches per day.

Is email scraping legal in the US?

Email scraping is legal in the United States if the email address is publicly accessible on the internet.
What is illegal is to bulk-send commercial messages to emails of people who have not given you verifiable permission to prospect them. In other words, use people’s contact emails responsibly.

Find People’s Email Addresses With Ease

To decrease your email bounce rates, it’s critical that you use the right address. And with this article, you have the ultimate list of email finder tools available today.

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Editors Note:

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Justin McGill
About Author: Justin McGill
This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.