25 Ways Successful Companies Generate B2B Leads

Why is it Important to Generate B2B Leads

Generating B2B leads is important for any company because it is the best way to get business for your company.

Without it, you are just throwing your time and money away.

B2B sales lead generating is a full-time job, but it’s worth the investment because you can get new clients for your company.

(Image Source: Webbiquity)

25 Ways to Generate B2B Leads

There are many ways on how to generate more leads for business, and here are some of the best ways to generate leads:

1Write creative engaging content

It’s important to engage the reader’s attention and get them invested in your content.

You can do this by telling a story, making it personal to you, or adding humor.

Think about what kind of content is interesting to people and how they might be engaged if reading your blog post.

For instance, you can write about your experiences in the industry, how technology is changing your field, or what you know about building a strong business.

2Invite guest bloggers onto your website

Guest blogging services are one of the best ways to get your content in front of more people and build a reputation.

You can also use guest blogging as an opportunity to promote your own company by guest posting on other blogs or pitching yourself for potential opportunities.

Guest bloggers are typically paid per post, so it’s worth looking into this option if you have any gaps in your company blog.

3Offer a webinar

Webinars are a great way to share your knowledge and generate leads simultaneously. Many businesses offer free webinars, then follow up with an email to the people who signed up for it with offers on products or services you sell.

Webinars can be done as live events or in a recorded format, and the content can vary depending on what you want to share.

You should also include an email capture form at the end of your webinar so that people who are interested in your product but weren’t able to make it for whatever reason have another chance to claim their spot and get notified for free using several services, with some requiring paid subscriptions.

(Image Source: Zoom Blog)

4Provide an e-book or whitepaper

E-books and white papers are great resources to offer prospective customers who may be on the fence about buying your products.

The goal is to provide valuable content that addresses their pain points and answer any questions they may have.

It can allow you to build trust and help them see that you know what they’re going through.

It doesn’t have to be a long read, but it should provide enough value for the prospect so that they can make an informed decision.

5Share a video

A short, concise, and to-the-point video can be an effective way of getting your message across quickly. When crafting it, think about the one most important thing you want people to know or do when they watch it. If you need more than five minutes for that single message then break up your video into multiple videos for a single topic.

People these days have short attention spans and need to be engaged quickly, so a video can be a great way to do that.

Some of the most successful B2B brands out there, like IBM and Oracle have created videos with just a few minutes of content but which convey their message brilliantly.

6Create a free tool to generate leads for you

This is a great way to make it easier for people who are interested in your product or service to contact you. It will also give them something that they can use without any further input from you as well, which could be the deciding factor when someone’s on the fence about whether or not to buy from you.

The free tool can be used to generate B2B leads, as well.

For instance, you can offer a spreadsheet created from your product or service, or create a free ebook.

7Create an infographic

Infographics are a great way to present long, text-heavy content in a visual format.

And while they’re typically used for marketing purposes, infographics can also be an effective tool when it comes to generating B2B sales leads because many people find them easier than reading through walls of text or listening to lengthy presentations.

But before you start asking people for their email address in exchange for an infographic, take the time to create one that will actually be helpful and of value instead.

The quality of the content is what really matters here; if it’s not something readers will find genuinely helpful, they’re not going to share it.

And even if your infographic is of great quality and really does offer a valuable service, you may have trouble getting people to give away their contact information for the privilege of receiving it (which can be something you’ll obviously want them to do).

Here are some tips for creating infographics that will generate leads for your business:

  • Make the infographic relevant. Be sure to only ask for contact information if you have a service or product they’ll want, and make it economical (free).
  • Use visuals instead of text whenever possible. Visuals are easier than reading through walls of text or listening to lengthy presentations. Dedicate the majority of the infographic to visuals, and only use text for captions.
  • Tap into their emotions. Show them why your organization is different or better than competitors in a creative way that will make an impression on them.
  • Share it with everyone you know (on social media). The more people who see your information, the more likely someone will want to contact you.
  • Keep your infographic updated, relevant, and interesting as trends change.
  • Share it on different platforms like Pinterest or YouTube for maximum exposure.

Remember: if they take the time to read about your company through an informative infographic, they’ll likely be more receptive when you reach out in person.

Here’s a sample infographic from LeadFuze:

8Increase productivity with sales automation tools

Sales automation tools are crucial for sales and marketing professionals. According to a recent report, 75% of companies use at least one kind of marketing automation tool in their everyday work with notable success.

Keep the day going strong by scheduling emails to be sent at specific times during your business hours or even after regular working hours when you know that someone will be on email (such as your employees).

This may seem like a lot of work, but it pays off in the end. By automating your emails you are saving time and energy because you do not have to spend hours crafting individual messages for each person or company that contacts you about products or services.

Also, you can automate your out-of-office messages to let people know when you will be in the office and available.

Now, it may seem a little extreme for some companies when they are just starting or have not yet reached their full potential but automation is an effective way to increase your business productivity and keep track of lead contact information at all times.

As your business grows, it is important to use automation as a tool for efficiency.

9Use LeadFuze to find contact information

Are you looking for an innovative way to generate B2B leads?

LeadFuze is the solution. It provides agencies with an easy-to-use, powerful tool that helps them get unlimited leads. It’s simple and effective – just enter your contact information and it will send you a special offer that gives you access to its entire database of contacts!

With this software, there are no limits on how many people you can contact or how often they email back. And it doesn’t cost anything to sign up.

Get started today!

10Build a list of high-quality B2B leads

When you build a list, you can contact them anytime you want, for any reason. It’s a great way to stay in touch with clients and prospects without feeling like you’re always bugging them or that they don’t want your contact.

The best part is when people sign up on your email list, not only do they permit you to contact them but also ask you to contact them in the future.

It’s a great way to stay on top of your marketing, and it can be done with just an email address or social media account.

11Get in as many conversations as possible

Keeping a conversation going with someone is one of the best ways to keep them engaged in your business. And it’s not as hard as you might think.

A great way to start a conversation is by commenting on their social media post or mentioning them in an email.

If they share something interesting, then thank them for sharing and ask if you can tell them about your company.

If they have a question, answer it and ask if there’s anything else you could help with.

One of the most important things is to always be genuine in conversations; people know when you’re not being truthful or authentic.

12Try to get on their radar as soon as possible

Don’t wait until you’re ready to make your offer.

The sooner they know about what you have, the more likely it is that they’ll be interested in it.

And don’t underestimate the power of social media – people are always looking for new connections and leads on social networks like Twitter or LinkedIn. They might not have had a need for your company yet, but if you get in front of them early and often, it’s more likely they’ll contact you when they do.

13Send cold emails

Cold emailing is one of the best ways to get a response.

It can be difficult, but it’s worth all that hard work because they’re more likely to buy from you than if you just cold-called them or tried in person without getting an introduction first.

Cold emailing also lets people know about your company before you contact them by phone or in person.

(Image Source: SingleGrain)

14Send email newsletters to past customers and leads

You might be thinking, “Why would I put myself out there when our relationship has already ended?”

Well, even though it’s been more than a year since you’ve emailed them last time, they may still remember your company favorably enough to want to hear about what you’re up to now.

You can also send them a “new customer” discount, which they may not want but will appreciate anyway because it’s just good business practice.

Plus if you’re lucky enough to get their email address, too, then that means cold-calling is off the table because your lead might be interested in hearing from you again.

15Contact past customers who have an anniversary coming up

This is a great time for one last follow-up email, with something like this: “I hope you will still be happy with our service on your second anniversary!”

If they were satisfied enough to stay as clients for so long (or if they’re not satisfied and they’re still following up with you), then it’s likely that their opinion of your company has remained unchanged.

This is a great opportunity to ask for feedback, or just thank them again for their business.

Also, make sure to include any other promotions and news in this email – maybe even throw in an offer as well!

16Use marketing automation to nurture leads

Marketing automation is a system that allows you to automatically deliver email messages and other online content based on the recipients’ actions.

For example, if someone downloads an eBook but doesn’t convert into a lead, you can have it send them an email with some additional resources or another offer to try again!

Use your marketing automation platform’s functionality to automatically send email messages and other content to your leads, even if they don’t always convert on the first try.

17Update your email signature

It’s important to keep your email visitors updated on any new developments that are happening in the world of marketing.

Every time you publish a blog post, send an article or generate some other content for your business, be sure to update the signature so it reflects these changes!

To get started with updating your email signature, click “edit signature” in your inbox, paste the content you want to include, and then save it.

(Image Source: Terminus)

18List your company on directories and review websites

If you’re looking for new leads, there’s no better place to start than with the top directories and review sites that are currently ranking on Google.

Listing your company on these websites will not only help potential customers find you more easily (and potentially give them a reason to contact you), but it can also make sure they know that your company is a reliable one.

19Add social media links to every business profile

You should be adding these already, but if you want more leads and connections on the Internet today, make it easy for people to find and connect with you through your Facebook page, Twitter account, or LinkedIn profile by including all of those profiles in your email signature.

Social media is a great way to generate B2B leads since it’s mainly used for networking with other professionals from a similar industry.

20Create a blog

If you want to generate more leads, your website must be easy for people to get around and find the information they’re looking for.

The best way to do this?

Create an informative company blog detailing topics like product updates, industry trends, or customer service stories. People will come back again and again to learn more about your company, and when they do, you’ll have the opportunity to share valuable content with them.

For instance, a blog post titled “Top Ten Ways Your Company is Using Social Media to Generate B2B Leads” might include practical tips on how organizations are generating social media leads for their business.

This will help people better understand how they can use the same tactics to generate B2B leads for themselves, and then share the article with their networks.

The key to attracting a B2B sale lead is creating high-quality, informative content that gets read and shared over time.

Successful companies put a lot of effort into generating these types of blog posts on an ongoing basis to stay top-of-mind for the people who are most likely interested in what they have to offer.

21Answer relevant questions on Q&A websites

Answering questions can be a great way to generate new leads. Search on Google for “questions related to your industry,” and answer relevant questions when you find them.

Be sure to provide the best possible answers, and include links back to your site where appropriate so that people who are interested in what you have to offer can explore it in more detail if they choose.

(Image Source: 99Designs)

22Participate in LinkedIn groups

If you’re part of groups related to what you offer, take advantage of it! Participate in conversations, answer questions and share helpful insights.

If you’re not a member of any groups related to what you offer, create one! Not only is it an excellent way to get your content out there for people who are interested in what’s being discussed within the group, but as you participate by answering questions or posting links back to your site, you’ll be able to attract new followers.

23Optimize your website landing pages

Since most people searching for what you offer will do so on Google, your website landing pages must be optimized to show up in the search results.

Once you do so, you may notice a surge in the number of people who click on your website from a search result.

Including keywords and phrases relevant to what you offer will help make sure that it shows up when someone searches for something related to you, but it’s also important that you link back to other pages with more information about the topic or service. This way, if someone is interested in what you have to say, but not ready yet for a purchase, they’ll know that there are more options available.

24Interview decision-makers and influencers for your blog

We all know that not everyone is a decision-maker, but the people who are influencers in your industry can be instrumental in B2B sales lead generation for you. Interviewing them will allow them to share their insight with others and generate leads for you at the same time.

The key, as it relates to this strategy, is making sure the influencers know what you’re up to and offer their input on your content.

25Always build your network

There are a lot of people who can help you generate B2B leads. You just need to know what they’re looking for, and the best way to do that is by building relationships with them. That means being in touch on an ongoing basis and always sending them something interesting when you have it available.

If you’re looking for a new career in marketing, it’s important to build your network. Your friends and family can be instrumental in generating B2B leads for you.


Overall, to generate B2B leads, you need to create a strategy and make sure it works for everyone. This way, your lead generation can be effective and successful.

Febrina Tanghal: This post was written by Content at Scale, a solution that uses AI + a team of optimization specialists to publish hundreds of high quality, SEO optimized content straight to your blog. It’s the first and only solution that allows you to truly scale content marketing.